Quality Assurance For Our Sex Dolls
Sexdollpartner adheres to a quality-first business philosophy, always prioritizing quality and safety. We aim for consumers to find safe and reliable sex dolls at SexDollPartner. The following certificates guarantee the quality of our sex dolls. Sexdollpartner is committed to providing high-quality sex dolls, minimizing customer purchasing risks.
For access to the full documents, please contact SexDollPartner customer service for more information.
FDA Official Certification Of SexDollPartner
The FAD (Food and Drug Administration) certificate, also known as FDA certificate, is a certification issued by the Food and Drug Administration in the United States. This certificate is primarily for products that fall under the jurisdiction of the FDA, which includes food, drugs, medical devices, cosmetics, and certain other products.
It helps consumers make informed choices about the products they purchase and ensures that products comply with relevant laws and regulations enforced by the FDA.
CE Official Certification Of SexDollPartner
The CE certificate, short for Conformité Européenne (European Conformity), is a certification mark that indicates a product's compliance with European Union (EU) health, safety, and environmental protection standards. The CE marking allows a product to be legally sold and marketed within the European Economic Area (EEA) and certain other countries that recognize the CE marking.